Shore Harvest Church is a body of Eastern Shore believers committed to
Worshiping God
Knowing His Word
Loving One Another
We are a member congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America.
Our Mission
Our mission is to edify and equip every member to glorify God by proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ to Easton, Talbot County, and the whole of Maryland's Eastern Shore.
“I’ve only been with Shore Harvest for a short time, but their love for the Lord and for one another has already blessed my family so much.”
here's what you can expect
Worship: We were created to worship God - Father, Son, & Spirit. All we do must begin and end with worship.
Word: Believers are built up, and unbelievers converted only through the power of God's word. We strive to make the Bible known and to help everyone understand how it applies to their lives.
Welcome: Everyone is created to worship, and everyone is called to know God's word, and so everyone is welcome at Shore Harvest!
Worship is at 10:00 am every Sunday.
Sunday School is provided for all ages at 9:00 am between Labor Day and Memorial Day.
Youth group, women's and men's Bible studies meet at various times throughout the week. We also have occasional special events.