What’s happening…

If you ever wanted to learn to make bread, you’re invited to the Breadmaking (and Lunch!) workshop Saturday, January 18th at 11:00 at Janet Siar’s home. We’ll learn to make Ridiculously Easy Focaccia Bread. We’ll enjoy a soup and salad lunch as well as fellowship together.

Mark your calendars for our annual Women’s Christmas gift exchange and luncheon which will be held in the Poehlman Fellowship Hall on Saturday, December 21 from 11:00 am - 1:00pm. Sharon Ward will show us how to make a cute craft suitable for giving. We’ll also have a potluck luncheon as well as a gift exchange. Please bring a nice $5 gift to join in. Friends are welcome and are sure to enjoy the fellowship and fun. Sign up sheets for the luncheon will be placed on the round table in the entry hall as we get closer to the date. Cost to cover expenses will be announced.

The Women’s Ministry invites all the Shore Harvest women to a tea luncheon. Please mark Saturday, June 1, in your calendars for this special occasion. We will be joining together for a program tea at 11:00 in the Poehlman Fellowship Hall. Monika Mraz, owner of the Doehrn Tea Company in Oxford Maryland, will present a short program on the social occasion of having tea. Becky Shaw will be giving the devotional. Please join us for a time to relax, fellowship and learn. Guests are welcome. Sign up sheets will be available at our last two Bible study meetings, and in the foyer thereafter.


Matt and Naomi Bair welcomed their newest family member at about 9:30 pm on April 9. Baby boy Silas Alastair Bair weighed in at 8 pounds 2 ounces. Everyone is doing well.

Helping hands…

Chrissie Koessler has organized a freezer food train to benefit Matt and Naomi Bair when their first baby arrives(expected April 14th!) Chrissie has sent out an email with a link to a spreadsheet, or, there is a sign up sheet on the table in the foyer.

Make a note!

Heritage Presbytery Women's Council is working on the annual event for the women of our presbytery on March 16, 2024, 8:00 - 1:00. The conference is hosted by Good News Church, 957 Old Lancaster Pike, Hockessin DE.  The theme is “Sharing Our Lives in Community”. Keynote speaker will be Judie Puckett. Judie serves as the Director of Spiritual Formation for Women at Chapelgate Presbyterian Church in Marriotsville, MD where her husband also serves as an elder. Currently she is working alongside both pastors and women leaders in the PCA to enhance collaboration and partnership in ministry. She is also helping churches develop ministries to care for women in crisis. Judie has written her first book, Grace Enjoyed - Delighting in our God in the Everyday Moments of Life, published in the fall of 2023.

Early registration of $20.00 ends February 25. After February 25, $25.00. Registration deadline is March 11.

Save the day!

The annual Women’s Christmas gift exchange and luncheon will be held in the Poehlman Fellowship Hall on Saturday, December 16 from 11:00 am - 1:00pm. Sharon Ward will show us how to make decorative gift bags which we will fill with small toiletries for the benefit of the residents of Mallard Bay Nursing and Rehab Center in Cambridge. These will be distributed at the Center on Sunday, January 16th after church. We’ll also have a potluck luncheon as well as a gift exchange. Please bring a nice $5 gift to join in. Friends are welcome and are sure to enjoy the fellowship and fun. Sign up sheets for the luncheon will be placed on the round table in the entry hall as we get closer to the date. Cost to cover expenses will be announced.


Rachel Mueller had her baby girl!! Lily Marie Mueller was born Monday morning, Oct. 16. 8 pounds, 21 inches. The family is doing well.

Helping hands

Naomi Bair is organizing a meal train for Jack Mueller and his wife Rachel who are anticipating their first child in October. Sign up sheets are available on the round table in the foyer for coordinating freezer meals. There are some dietary concerns to keep in mind. No high-acid foods like tomatoes, no cream or cream cheese, no mushrooms, small amounts of cooked onion are ok but not preferred. They only have a side-by-side refrigerator/freezer so be sure to check with Naomi on when to bring meals in.

Studying God’s Word

We begin our 2024-2025 Bible study with the book, “Gentle and Lowly”, by Dane Ortlund. Both the men and the women will be using this book in separate studies. “Gentle and Lowly” presents us with a profound look into God’s heart and the love He holds there for each of us. Women’s studies are held on the first and third weeks of each month, on Mondays in the evening at 6:30 and Thursdays in the morning at 10:00. Each study covers the same material. All studies are held in the Poehlman Fellowship hall.

Our 2024 summer study is a book/podcast/video presented by the national PCA. Join women all across the PCA this summer for No Empty Word: Relentless Pursuit, A Study on Hosea by Paula Miles. The book is available from this url: women.pcacdm.org/relentless-pursuit/

This study will include FREE videos* and podcasts until August 31. Please remember to register at the website for weekly emails. Mark your calendars for Thursday, May 16 from 7:00-8:00 pm EST when the videos will become available. We will pursue this study on our own schedules this summer. However, we will have two group discussions, Breakfast with Hosea, on Saturday, June 22 for the first four chapters and August 3 for the last four chapters. Both group meetings will be at 10:00 am and will be held in the Poehlman fellowship hall.

 This year, the women have formed two Bible study groups, one meeting at 6:30pm on the first and third Mondays of the month and the other on the first and third Thursdays at 10:00 am. Both meetings are held at the church in the fellowship hall. We are studying the book of Revelation, using Nancy Guthrie’s book, “Blessed: experiencing the promise of the book of Revelation”, as our guide. From the back cover, “…Nancy Guthrie presents a friendly yet theologically robust guide to Revelation, explaining its meaning to the original first-century audience, which guides its meaning for readers today. Covering the full text of Revelation chapter by chapter, you’ll hear its call to faithfully endure and refuse to compromise as we await the coming of the kingdom of Christ in all of its glorious fullness.” Our last studies of the year will be the evening of April 22 or the morning of April 25.